'Cuz tramps like us, baby we were born to run! -Bruce Springsteen

Edit: I'm dividing this blog up into 2 parts because it ended up being so long. Stay tuned for Part 2!

A lot of people see me around school and know me as a pretty chill guy, especially in the morning (It's because I'm still trying to get awake. I am not a morning person :]). Not many people have seen me show much emotion beyond the occasional smile, unless you're in that group that I've eaten lunch with for the past 3 years or been on an xc team road trip with me. It's because I've been gifted with very strong self-control. I can take anything I feel and I can either ignore it and make it go completely away, or let it show. This helps me a lot when I'm trying to hide stuff like nervousness. For example, asking a girl to Junior/Senior Prom.

This year I was super nervous to ask this girl, but on the day that I was going to ask her, right before I was going to set everything up, one of my good friends (Josh Cannon) walked up to me and commented, "Dude you're so chill. You don't look nervous at all. Aren't you worried she'll say no?" I just gave him one of my sly smiles and went to set everything up. But on the inside, my heart was pounding! If you could've heard it, it would've sounded like a drummer was beating away on it! I was totally prepared for her to just smile, say no, and walk away. Even when I went to hide, my hands were shaking so much that I almost dropped the flowers. But I didn't show it, because I have good self-control. (If you're wondering whether or not she said yes, go take a peek at my pictures)
7/19/2011 06:35:04 pm

I can attest to you self-control! it is amazing! You are a very calm and collected guy. It shows when we play our monthly chess matches!! :D


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    About Me

    "Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose."


    February 2012
    November 2011
    October 2011
    September 2011
    August 2011
    July 2011

