Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but STUPID lasts forever.

Well I was gonna write a blog. But when I sat down to write it, I couldn't really put to words what was on my mind. But, I found a convenient video that expresses part of what's been on my mind. So instead of trying to sort out fancy words and make long flowery sentences, click on the video and see part of what's been going on in my head lately. =D

Edit: The only part that applies to whats been on my mind is the texting part (0:22-1:52), and his 3rd point (3:31-4:28). Everything else is filler
“Those who hate most fervently must have once loved deeply; those who want to deny the world must have once embraced what they now set on fire.” -Kurt Tucholsky

Something I don't hide well, especially recently, is anger. Have you ever felt really strong anger? That you hate someone/something so much that you want to just wipe that person/thing from the face of the earth and take half the planet with them? That overwhelming urge to grind them into a fine dust? I've been feeling that recently. But it's really important to control that anger. Anger will make you do stupid things. And it will make you think you had a good reason to do them. It's going to try to justify itself, because it thinks it's right. It will demand that you call names, hurl insults, and yell sarcastic comments. It will remind you of what was done to you to hurt you, and it'll make you feel good about yourself to hurt them. But it's important to control that anger, because when you control it, you can use it for something useful. For example, use it in sports.

If you've ever seen me run, especially in a cross country race, and especially in the last 100 meters or so of the race, you can see my face all screwed up. It's partly because I'm trying to scrounge up all the energy I have left, but it's also because I'm thinking about something that makes me mad. When I think about something that angers me, running becomes easier to me. It becomes an outlet for me to just let all that hatred go. And it's better to let all that negative energy out than to bottle it up.
'Cuz tramps like us, baby we were born to run! -Bruce Springsteen

Edit: I'm dividing this blog up into 2 parts because it ended up being so long. Stay tuned for Part 2!

A lot of people see me around school and know me as a pretty chill guy, especially in the morning (It's because I'm still trying to get awake. I am not a morning person :]). Not many people have seen me show much emotion beyond the occasional smile, unless you're in that group that I've eaten lunch with for the past 3 years or been on an xc team road trip with me. It's because I've been gifted with very strong self-control. I can take anything I feel and I can either ignore it and make it go completely away, or let it show. This helps me a lot when I'm trying to hide stuff like nervousness. For example, asking a girl to Junior/Senior Prom.

This year I was super nervous to ask this girl, but on the day that I was going to ask her, right before I was going to set everything up, one of my good friends (Josh Cannon) walked up to me and commented, "Dude you're so chill. You don't look nervous at all. Aren't you worried she'll say no?" I just gave him one of my sly smiles and went to set everything up. But on the inside, my heart was pounding! If you could've heard it, it would've sounded like a drummer was beating away on it! I was totally prepared for her to just smile, say no, and walk away. Even when I went to hide, my hands were shaking so much that I almost dropped the flowers. But I didn't show it, because I have good self-control. (If you're wondering whether or not she said yes, go take a peek at my pictures)
Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability.

Sorry for not posting in awhile. I've been at Lake Oroville since Thursday with the Cary's and a couple other families. It was super fun, we had a floating campsite and a houseboat.
Favorite memory: we were triple tubing and we decided that we would try to stack up all 3 tubes on top of each other. We had them almost stacked for a bit, with 3 of us hanging off of random sides and 1 on top. We managed to hold that for a bit until we tried to straighten the tubes out, and we hit a wave, and someone pulled the top tube back, and 2 of us just fell off. It was reaaaaaly fun. =D
There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery a time when you were happy. -Dante

I was talking with a friend about gaming on a team versus playing 1v1 games yesterday. Maybe it's because I'm an only child and because he has like three brothers, but I said I preferred 1v1 games, and he said he prefers team based games.

I like 1v1 games that pit you against another person because I love the idea that you can just rely on yourself, that you don't have to depend on anyone or anything else but your own skill. It forces you to be self-sustaining, self-sufficient. Take cross-country, or any track race that isn't a relay for example.

Running is very much a solo sport. Although points are given according to your place in comparison with your teammates and members of the opposing team, in the end, your teammates can do nothing for you when you're on that last straightaway struggling to keep up with the guy just out of reach in front of you. At the same time, when you blow by that guy in the last couple meters and just barely beat him, your teammates didn't do that. You did that, and you did it on your own power. Sometimes you can't rely on other people. Sometimes they end up holding you back more than they boost you up. Too often they let you down. So take pride in your individual talents; you have them for a reason. :D
A lot of people run a race to see who is fastest. I run to see who has the most guts, who can punish himself into an exhausting pace, and then at the end, punish himself even more. -Steve "Pre" Prefontaine

I did a long run today. It reminded me of how slow I was this track season. I know that the 3200/1600 weren't really my races, and that track isn't even really my sport (none of the races have any hills for Pete's sake. I thrive on the hills), but I still wanted to do well. This past season ended up being one of my slowest seasons, and somewhat of a disappointment. I was losing races that I should have been winning, losing to certain people that posed no problem to me before. My times were slower than they were last year, which is ridiculous because last year I was out half the season on an IT band injury. So, I'm gonna make up for it this cross country season. I'm ready to start beating those people who were beating me before. And I'm not just going to beat them. I'm going to destroy them. They won't know what hit them.
Woke up late. Ate a breakfast burrito. Watched Star Wars. Went online and checked stuff.
elSasquatch did a lyric analysis of a song at my request, go check it out in the Music section; link is with the song. Song kinda reflected my mood at the time (which was super early in the morning). This dude's song analyses are super good, and this one was no exception. I feel like he hit all the points right, and conveyed them really good. Go check him out, heck, hit him up with a song request.

Funny how God works... I was reading Genesis just now and stumbled upon a verse that applied directly to a situation I'm in. God works in weird ways. :)
Wow I haven't touched this website in ages. I'm going to overhaul everything to make it relevent now that it's summer and I have more time to fine tune everything.

    About Me

    "Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose."


    February 2012
    November 2011
    October 2011
    September 2011
    August 2011
    July 2011

