“Those who hate most fervently must have once loved deeply; those who want to deny the world must have once embraced what they now set on fire.” -Kurt Tucholsky

Something I don't hide well, especially recently, is anger. Have you ever felt really strong anger? That you hate someone/something so much that you want to just wipe that person/thing from the face of the earth and take half the planet with them? That overwhelming urge to grind them into a fine dust? I've been feeling that recently. But it's really important to control that anger. Anger will make you do stupid things. And it will make you think you had a good reason to do them. It's going to try to justify itself, because it thinks it's right. It will demand that you call names, hurl insults, and yell sarcastic comments. It will remind you of what was done to you to hurt you, and it'll make you feel good about yourself to hurt them. But it's important to control that anger, because when you control it, you can use it for something useful. For example, use it in sports.

If you've ever seen me run, especially in a cross country race, and especially in the last 100 meters or so of the race, you can see my face all screwed up. It's partly because I'm trying to scrounge up all the energy I have left, but it's also because I'm thinking about something that makes me mad. When I think about something that angers me, running becomes easier to me. It becomes an outlet for me to just let all that hatred go. And it's better to let all that negative energy out than to bottle it up.

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    About Me

    "Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose."


    February 2012
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